Category: Reflection


Don’t Look Back

Saint Martin of Tours; Friday, November 11th Friday of the 32nd Week of Ordinary Time 2 John 4-9 Psalm 119: 1, 2, 10, 11, 17, 18 Luke 17: 26-37 Jesus in the Gospel today...


Saint Isidore the Farmer

May 15th is the Feast of St. Isidore the Farmer I’ve only in the last year or so become aware of Saint Isidore the Farmer (also known as Isidore the Laborer), and he is...


Art of Prayer

Pope Francis today began his Thursday morning Mass by offering a prayer for artists, saying that “through artists we understand beauty, and without beauty we cannot understand the Gospel.” He went on to say...


Rebuilding the Temple

Jesus said to them, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” They retorted, “This temple took forty-six years to build, and you are going to raise it up in...


Sometimes You Can Go Home Again

I returned to Maine recently to visit with family. So on Sunday, before heading home to Vermont, I returned to the church that had been my home parish, off and on, for many years....


The Dream the Dreamers Dreamed

As the events of Charlottesville have deeply affected the national psyche — and, truthfully, even before this — as unabashed and emboldened racism has reared its head and proclaimed itself in the wake of...